All qointa products & services

are compliant with all current regulatory and privacy directives.

qointa is devoted to delivering exceptional products and services of global caliber, designed to not only meet but surpass our customers' expectations, alongside adhering to all pertinent legal and regulatory mandates.

Our commitment to continuous quality enhancement is ingrained in our comprehensive Quality Assurance System, which encompasses a range of meticulously designed procedures. These encompass Management Responsibility, Internal Audits, Personnel, Design Control, Software Development, Document Control, Purchasing Controls, Corrective/Preventive Action, Records Retention, Control of Quality System Records, and Customer Complaints. 

Every facet of our software development adheres to meticulously documented processes and is subject to clear governance and measurement through our Quality Assurance System.

The key goals of our Quality Assurance System include:

  • Establishing unequivocal lines of authority and responsibility concerning quality management.

  • Sustaining an effective Quality Assurance System in harmony with relevant legal, regulatory prerequisites, and ICH GCP guidelines that pertain to the execution of clinical research studies.

  • Upholding an exceptional standard of quality that bolsters qointa's standing in the industry.

  • Amplifying internal and external customer contentment by providing superior products and services.

This robust Quality Assurance System is meticulously outlined in controlled documents including the Quality Manual, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Quality Records, and specific project-related documents and processes.